Filthy Rich Americans Series by Nikki Sloane

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Marist and Emily are two sisters whose father to wave off his loan asked his eldest daughter to marry the eldest son of the famous Hale family. Hale family is the owner of the 8th largest Bank of the world Hale Banking and Holding. Due to circumstances, Marist the youngest of two sister agreed to marry Royce Hale. The story revolves around these two main characters.

The story takes an interesting turn when the third main character entered into this twist.

The third main character surprisingly is her would-be father-in-law Macalister Hale. Both father and son fight for her attention. Who wins her and who wins the chairman post in the company is revealed at last. But it's a gripping and full of suspense. How Macalister tries to win Marist. How Marist stays loyal to her feeling. How Royce fight against his own father for his love of Marist is the theme of the story. You will have all the feelings of intrigue, anxiety, anger and frustration with the characters. I assure you you will love this series. You won't stop till you finish the series. Enjoy the series. 

You will get the series from the below link.
