Rain water harvesting


Rainwater harvesting is the solution to the urban water problem. In world freshwater level is decreasing at an alarming speed. So we have to reuse the water again and again. Rainwater harvesting should be made compulsory in Metro.

Benefits of rainwater harvesting

  • Rainwater is a relatively clean and absolutely free source of water 
  • You have total control over your water supply (ideal for cities with water restrictions)
  • It is socially acceptable and environmentally responsible 
  • It promotes self-sufficiency and helps conserve water Rainwater is better for landscape plants and gardens because it is not chlorinated 
  • It reduces stormwater runoff from homes and businesses 
  • It can solve the drainage problems on your property while providing you with free water 
  • It uses simple technologies that are inexpensive and easy to maintain 
  • It can be used as a main source of water or as a backup source to wells and municipal water 
  • The system can be easily retrofitted to an existing structure or built during new home construction System are very flexible and can be modular in nature, allowing expansion, reconfiguration, or relocation, if necessary 
  • It can provide an excellent back-up source of water for emergencies
